Bentley Navigator

Setting up Suppression Rules

Suppression rules are created to identify clashes that should not be reported. For example, if you find that the first run of clash detection produces a high number of clashes, you can set up suppression rules to exclude certain clashes. You can add, edit or delete suppression rules. You can select from a list of already created suppression rules or set up new rules. You can sync and save user-created suppression rules with the clash job.

To add suppression rules to the clash job, select the Edit suppression tool.

To create a new suppression rule, click Create a new suppression rule () on the Rules dialog. In the Rule Editor dialog, give the rule a name. The rules are named Rule 00n in sequential order.

In the Templates list, click the rule you want to apply. In the Rule description box, click the underlined value. In the dialog that opens, either make your selection from a drop down list or type a value, then click Apply. When finished editing the rules, click OK in the Rule Editor and close the Rules dialog.